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Big Fat Zero noodles
Half a tin of drained chick peas
150g Firm Tofu, cubed
Handful of Rocket
5 Cherry tomatoes, halved
¼ Red Onion, chopped roughly
Balsamic vinegar
Dried mixed herbs, sprinkle
Cayenne pepper


Drain and cut the tofu into chunks
Place the tofu, chickpeas and Big Fat Zero noodles into a nonstick pan and pour over some balsamic vinegar, a sprinkle of dried mixed herbs and Cayenne pepper.
Cook on a low heat for 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
Enjoy on a bed of Rocket, tomato and onion.

Pasta Alternatives

Lunch Recipes

Pot Noodles

Health Benefits

Big Fat Zero noodles are amazing in so many other ways… Although they are almost zero calorie, carb, fat and sugar free, that doesn’t mean that they are also zero vitamins, minerals and most importantly…fibre!


In a study carried out on obese patients where subjects were given a supplement of glucomannan fibre and instructed not to change their normal eating or exercise routine, there were significant findings between the supplemented group and a placebo group.

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