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So, we know that Big Fat Zero Noodles are a great alternative to pasta and rice in order to lose weight, and we also know that this is due to them being extremely low in calories and carbohydrates whilst being fat and sugar free! But what you may not know is that Big Fat Zero Noodles are amazing in so many other ways… Although they are almost zero calorie, carb, fat and sugar that doesn’t mean that they are also zero vitamins, minerals and most importantly…fibre!

Health Benefits

Big Fat Zero Noodles are made up of water along with a very special type of soluble fibre called Konjac Glucomannan. It is this fibre that makes Big Fat Zero Noodles so crucial in the fight against obesity and many common health problems. It is believed that Konjac Glucomannan has the highest water holding capacity of any soluble fibre, swelling up to 100 times its own water weight. This bulking out in the stomach means that once digested, Big Fat Zero Noodles make you feel full and satisfied whilst also slowing down digestion and preventing sugar spikes. It is these sugar spikes in our blood that leave us craving more and also encourages sugar to be stored as fat in the body... predominantly around the waistline.

As well as helping us lose weight and helping to decrease appetite this means that Big Fat Zero Noodles are also a great choice for people with type 2 Diabetes. Research has proven that the higher the viscosity of soluble fibre, the better the control of blood sugar levels in patients with Type 2 diabetes and it is thought that Konjac Glucomannan is the most viscous soluble fibre in nature… you do the maths!

It is also understood that Konjac Glucomannan helps aid weight loss by actually binding to fat in the intestines preventing some of its absorption and research has also shown that Konjac Glucomannan can help to significantly lower Cholesterol levels.

If that isn’t enough to convince you as to why we should all be adding Big Fat Zero Noodles into our diet then let me give you a few more reasons… Due to the high soluble fibre content, Big Fat Zero Noodles can help to improve those pesky symptoms of constipation that most of us struggle with at some point in out lives. Studies have also shown that this fibre can help reduce blood pressure whilst also giving anti ageing benefits.

Health Benefits

Big Fat Zero noodles are amazing in so many other ways… Although they are almost zero calorie, carb, fat and sugar free, that doesn’t mean that they are also zero vitamins, minerals and most importantly…fibre!


In a study carried out on obese patients where subjects were given a supplement of glucomannan fibre and instructed not to change their normal eating or exercise routine, there were significant findings between the supplemented group and a placebo group.

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